Browse Items (467 total)

TK000591 - SR00056-02 The Legend of the Lough.mp3
Excerpt: The Legend of the Lough

Dan Sugrue talks about The Piseog in Kerry.

Dan Sugrue, Jimmy Lyne, James Keating and Martin O’ Connor talk about The Piseog in Kerry.

Daniel O Sullivan about Fishing and River Lore at at Callinafercy, County Kerry.

TK00531 - SR00049 -Narrative on how Whethers Well got its name.mp3
Excerpt 1: Narrative on how Whether's Well got its nameExcerpt 2: Calendar customs: paying the rounds at Wether's WellExcerpt 3: Miracle cures at Wethers Well For more clips from this interview click here.

TK000333 - SR00031 About being put away if you were pregnant and not married.mp3
Excerpt 1: About being put away if you were pregnant and not married

Excerpt 2: About getting a six month barring order against an alcoholic violent husband

Excerpt 3: About how children rearing themselves

Excerpt 4: Discussion and narrative…

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