Browse Items (467 total)

TK00474 - SR00041 -Piseogs, superstitions about findings eggs in haggard that a neighbour would have put there so nothing would grow.mp3
Excerpt 1: Piseogs, superstitions about findings eggs in haggard that a neighbour would have put there so nothing would grow.

Excerpt 2: Piseogs, superstitions about spells or people working piseogs on sick cows and getting holy water or the…

TK00461 - SR00040-02 -Changes in working in the bog to cut turf.mp3
Excerpt 1: Changes in working in the bog to cut turf.

Excerpt 2: Going to Cattle markets and fairs in Rathkeel and Listowel.

Excerpt 3: Bigger fairs in Listowel the dealing in cattle.

Excerpt 4: Employment, hiring fairs and working…

TK00449 - SR00040-01 -Platform dances in the summer and farmhouse dances in the winter.mp3
Excerpt 1: Platform dances in the summer and farmhouse dances in the winter.

Excerpt 2: About House dances and card games to raise money for Christmas; the main game was 41. The activity was called 'the gambles'

Excerpt 3: Preparing for the…

TK00419 - SR00038 -Woman who found a lizard in her stomach in Greece.mp3
Excerpt 1: Woman who found a lizard in her stomach in Greece.

Excerpt 2: Woman who found a snake in her stomach in Turkey.

Excerpt 3: Modern Legend: Cats in a Chinese restaurant in Dublin.

Excerpt 4: Modern Legend: Dogs in a Chinese…

TK00406 - SR00036 -Pawnshops, their symbolism and their necessary role when men were   put on slackage for a week and waiting for the dole to come in.mp3
Excerpt 1: About Pawnshops, their symbolism and their necessary role when men were put on slackage for a week.

Excerpt 2: Occasionally the pawnshop would lend back a suit for no money to be paid off the week after.

Excerpt 3: Buy very cheap…

TK00384 - SR00035 - About Didlums and informal economy.mp3
Excerpt 1: About Didlums and informal economy.

Excerpt 2: About the informal economy.

Excerpt 3: Getting loans from a Manage.

Excerpt 4: Financial difficulties and the use of the informal economy in factories.

Excerpt 5: Reasons for not…

TK000350 - SR00033 Song Holyhill About sports on the Northside of Cork city (original composition).mp3
Excerpt 1: Song Holyhill About sports on the Northside of Cork city (original composition)

Excerpt 2: Memories and opinions About the urbanisation of Hollyhill and the compulsory purchase orders which transformed the rural environment.


TK000311 - SR00030 About the Millfield cottages built fot the Sunbeam workers.mp3
Excerpt 1: About the Millfield cottages built for the Sunbeam workers.

Excerpt 2: Emigration narrative.

Excerpt 3: About the mother working full time and raising a family with an alcoholic husband.

Excerpt 4: Opinion about unmarried mothers…

TK00565 - SR00053-01 - About two connected forts in Ballingeary, one sold to the county council by the landowner.mp3
Excerpt 1: About two connected forts in Ballingeary, one sold to the county council by the landowner.

Excerpt 2: How a man and his wife died after the fort they sold to the council was knocked down.

Excerpt 3: Connections with Mythology and how…

TK00441 - SR00039 -About Earc Luachra (lizards) the Irish equivalent of tape worm. How they get in your boday and how to get rid of them.mp3
Excerpt 1: About Earc Luachra (lizards) the Irish equivalent of tapeworm. How they get in your body and how to get rid of them.

Excerpt 2: Legend about fairy forts; a young woman went too near and got marked for life.

Excerpt 3: Legend and…
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