Browse Items (467 total)

Stephanie talks about Alternative Medicine, Magic and Healing in the 1990s.

TK000209 - SR00024-04 About watching television and training at home.mp3
Excerpt 1: Watching television and training at home

Excerpt 2: Watching television and training at home because of a lack of money

Excerpt 3: Watching tv in the wintertime only, or videos at weekends

Excerpt 4: Listening to the radio when…

TK000299 SR00029-02 About the Church's position on Abortion and the fact that there are no women in the Church.mp3
Excerpt 1: About the Church's position on Abortion and the fact that there are no women in the Church

Excerpt 2: About not expressing Northside / Southside identity


TK000224 - SR00026 Elder women's knowledge of early signs of pregnancy.mp3
Excerpt 1: Elder women's knowledge of early signs of pregnancy Excerpt 2: Personal experience narrative about older woman telling a young girl is pregnant but she was wrong and the young woman attributed the change to being marriedFor more clips from…

Theresa talks about Alternative Medicine, Magic and Healing in the 1990s.

TK00019 - SR00001 Rules of Bowling.mp3
Excerpt 1: Tedna explains the rules of road bowling Excerpt 2: Tedna speaks of his love of the game For more clips from this interview click here.

TK00066 - SR00004 Bigger farmers would grab the land of smaller farmers who couldn't pay the rent.mp3
Timmy Kennedy talks about the Activities of the Moonlighters in the Areas of Callinafercy, Keel Lystry and Firies Excerpt 1: Timmy explains how bigger farmers would grab the land of smaller farmers who couldn't pay the rent. Excerpt 2: Timmy tells…
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