Browse Items (467 total)

TK000160 - SR00021 About the boundaries of the 'true' Northside.mp3
Mr Con O'Donovan talks about Sport as a Form of Identity on the Northside

Excerpt 1: The boundaries of the 'true' Northside

Excerpt 2: An international game of handball between Ireland and Spain

TK000158 - SR00020 About the corporation taking down the lanes for new housing estates in the 50s.mp3
Mr Con Morrissey talks about Sport as a Form of Identity on the Northside

Excerpt 1: The corporation taking down the lanes for new housing estates in the 50s

Excerpt 2: The lanes and people keeping their own goats and pigs on the Northside of…

TK000124 - SR00013 About teaching family background and teacher training colleges in 1950s.mp3
Seán Ó Sé talks about an Evaluation of the Place of Education in this Culture (Áit an Oideachais sa Chultúr seo a Mheas). Excerpt 1: Seán talks about teaching family background and teacher training colleges in the 1950s Excerpt 2: Seán talks about…

Bob Feiritéar talks about the Place of Food in the Main Festivals (Bia Cinn-Fhéilte) - Part two of two.

Bob Feiritéar talks about the Place of Food in the Main Festivals (Bia Cinn-Fhéilte) - Part one of two.

TK00072- SR00005 About Mag Barton, a folk healer with a herbal cure for ringworm and skin diseases.mp3
Séamus Ó Dáiligh talks about Folk Medicine (An Leigheas Tíre).

Excerpt 1: Séamus talks about Mag Barton, a folk healer with a herbal cure for ringworm and skin diseases.

Excerpt 2: Séamus mentions that the only superstition was about the gift.

TK00066 - SR00004 Bigger farmers would grab the land of smaller farmers who couldn't pay the rent.mp3
Timmy Kennedy talks about the Activities of the Moonlighters in the Areas of Callinafercy, Keel Lystry and Firies Excerpt 1: Timmy explains how bigger farmers would grab the land of smaller farmers who couldn't pay the rent. Excerpt 2: Timmy tells…

TK00048 - SR00003-02 The hunting of the Wren.mp3
Excerpt 1: Bridget describes the hunting of the wren Excerpt 2: Bridget talks about young adults and the wren tradition For more clips from this interview click here

TK00036 - SR00003-01 Cork story about the origin of  'the wren'.mp3
Excerpt 1: Eibhlís tells the Cork story about the origin of 'the wren' Excerpt 2: Eibhlís recites the Wren's rhyme For more clips from this interview click here

TK00028 - SR00002 Pregnancy made invisible by shawls.mp3
Excerpt 1: Pregnancy made invisible by clothing (shawls)

Excerpt 2: Mary Russell talks about the practice of churching

Excerpt 3: Taboo about pregnant women going into churchyards

Excerpt 4: Belief that if a pregnant woman went into a…
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