Excerpts from an interview with Bridget Corcoran about Saint Stephen’s DayFor this interview's catalogue entry click here


Excerpt 1: St Stephen's origin

Excerpt 2: Older people on St Stephen's day

Excerpt 3: The hunting of the Wren

Excerpt 4: Wrens would hide on St Stephen's day

Excerpt 5: Wren hunting as massacre

Excerpt 6: Dead birds only on the holly bushes

Excerpt 7: Decorating bushes with feathers to pretend having caught a wren

Excerpt 8: Young boys going to collect 'wren money' not in disguise

Excerpt 9: Young girls disguised as boys to go on the wren

Excerpt 10: Average age of wren boys and girls

Excerpt 11: The Wren song

Excerpt 12: Money got for the wren rhymes

Excerpt 13: Refusal of money

Excerpt 14: Wren could be buried at refuser's door and bring very bad luck

Excerpt 15: Average day of wren boys

Excerpt 16: What the wren boys did with their money

Excerpt 17: Wren traditions in towns by young adults

Excerpt 18: Wren tradition dying out in the country






“Excerpts from an interview with Bridget Corcoran about Saint Stephen’s DayFor this interview's catalogue entry click here,” UCCFEA, accessed March 9, 2025, https://epu.ucc.ie/folklore/items/show/430.