Browse Items (467 total)

TK000176 - SR00022-02 About supportive rivalry in sport.mp3
Excerpt 1: Supportive rivalry in sport

Excerpt 2: Rivalry stays on the pitch, everyone goes drinking together after the match

Excerpt 3: About high unemployment in the early 80s

Excerpt 4: Story about not getting a job because of one's…

TK000162 - SR00021-01 The bridges that mark the Northside.mp3
Excerpt 1: The bridges that mark the Northside

Excerpt 2: The locations of pigeon clubs

Excerpt 3: political affiliations in families

Excerpt 4: An older form of neighbourhood watch in Churchfield to prevent crime

Excerpt 5: About…

TK000147 - SR00019 About being sent to buy tripe and drisheen in Ballymacthomas.mp3
Excerpt 1: About being sent to buy tripe and drisheen in Ballymacthomas

Excerpt 2: Ballymacthomas people having stalls in the coak quay

Excerpt 3: Mary Sheehan's mother 's recipe for drisheen

Excerpt 4: About their house being a social…

TK000133 - SR00014-01 About the use of the word Alannah in Cork Northside English.mp3
Excerpt 1: The use of the word Alannah in Cork Northside English

Excerpt 2: The use of the word Caboque in Cork Northside English

Excerpt 3: The use of the word flaithuil in Cork Northside English

Excerpt 4: The use of the word noodinaw in…

TK000124 - SR00013 About teaching family background and teacher training colleges in 1950s.mp3
Excerpt 1: Teaching family background and teacher training colleges in the 1950sExcerpt 2: His first posts as a teacher, before coming to Cork city to teach in Cathedral school in 1961Excerpt 3: Schools development in Gurranabraher and the…

TK000110 - SR00011 About funeral customs in the country.mp3
Excerpt 1: Funeral customs in the country

Excerpt 2: Graveyards around Cork city

Excerpt 3: The banshee

Excerpt 4: About evil wishing

Excerpt 5: Fairy lore, spitting on a good looking baby to protect him from the fairies

Excerpt 6:…

TK00095 - SR00010 About  finding out that members of the Sullivans being 'in' the Little Sisters of the Poor.mp3
Excerpt 1: Finding out that members of the Sullivans being 'in' the Little Sisters of the Poor

Excerpt 2: Reminiscing about a man who carried Michael Collins' coffin

Excerpt 3: Reminiscing about step-dancing

Excerpt 4: Eucharistic…

TK00064 - SR00004 Farmers paying a baillif to put pressure on tennants  not to pay their rent.mp3
Excerpt 1: Farmers paying a bailiff to put pressure on tenants not to pay their rent

Excerpt 2: Tenants had no power before the moonlighters

Excerpt 3: Bigger farmers would grab the land of smaller farmers who couldn't pay the rent


TK00046 - SR00003-02 St Stephen's origin.mp3
Excerpt 1: St Stephen's originExcerpt 2: Older people on St Stephen's dayExcerpt 3: The hunting of the WrenExcerpt 4: Wrens would hide on St Stephen's dayExcerpt 5: Wren hunting as massacreExcerpt 6: Dead birds only on the holly bushesExcerpt 7:…

TK00034 - SR00003-01 Children born on st stephen's day are always called Stephen.mp3
Excerpt 1: Children born on St Stephen's day are always called Stephen

Excerpt 2: St Stephen's day in Cork city in the 1930s

Excerpt 3: Cork story about the origin of 'the wren'

Excerpt 4: Wren boys in Cork city

Excerpt 5: Wren boys…
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