Browse Items (467 total)

TK000186 - SR00023-01 About housework and making time for sewing.mp3
Excerpt 1: About housework and making time for sewing

Excerpt 2: About going shopping and her concept of leisure time

Excerpt 3: going to the cinema with friends in the early 60s

Excerpt 4: Going dancing and going out for walks into town in…

TK00046 - SR00003-02 St Stephen's origin.mp3
Excerpt 1: St Stephen's originExcerpt 2: Older people on St Stephen's dayExcerpt 3: The hunting of the WrenExcerpt 4: Wrens would hide on St Stephen's dayExcerpt 5: Wren hunting as massacreExcerpt 6: Dead birds only on the holly bushesExcerpt 7:…

TK000337 - SR00032 Unplanned pregnancy and enforced marriage as reasons to vote yes in the divorce referendum.mp3
Excerpt 1: Unplanned pregnancy and enforced marriage as reasons to vote yes in the divorce referendum.

Excerpt 2: Accessibility to divorce will be easier for the rich.

Excerpt 3: Accessibility to divorce easier for the rich 'write to the pope…

TK000261 - SR00028 About renting  a house in green lane and the tenant-landlord relathionship from1930s til 1960s.mp3
Description Excerpt 1: About renting a house in Green lane and the tenant-landlord relationship from1930s til the 1960s.Excerpt 2: About 'orders', which was a local name for money lending, a side business run by landlords.Excerpt 3: About always…

TK00034 - SR00003-01 Children born on st stephen's day are always called Stephen.mp3
Excerpt 1: Children born on St Stephen's day are always called Stephen

Excerpt 2: St Stephen's day in Cork city in the 1930s

Excerpt 3: Cork story about the origin of 'the wren'

Excerpt 4: Wren boys in Cork city

Excerpt 5: Wren boys…

TK00095 - SR00010 About  finding out that members of the Sullivans being 'in' the Little Sisters of the Poor.mp3
Excerpt 1: Finding out that members of the Sullivans being 'in' the Little Sisters of the Poor

Excerpt 2: Reminiscing about a man who carried Michael Collins' coffin

Excerpt 3: Reminiscing about step-dancing

Excerpt 4: Eucharistic…

TK00474 - SR00041 -Piseogs, superstitions about findings eggs in haggard that a neighbour would have put there so nothing would grow.mp3
Excerpt 1: Piseogs, superstitions about findings eggs in haggard that a neighbour would have put there so nothing would grow.

Excerpt 2: Piseogs, superstitions about spells or people working piseogs on sick cows and getting holy water or the…

TK000224 - SR00026 Elder women's knowledge of early signs of pregnancy.mp3
Excerpt 1: Elder women's knowledge of early signs of pregnancy

Excerpt 2: Personal experience narrative about older woman telling a young girl is pregnant but she was wrong and the young woman attributed the change to being married

Excerpt 3:…

TK00441 - SR00039 -About Earc Luachra (lizards) the Irish equivalent of tape worm. How they get in your boday and how to get rid of them.mp3
Excerpt 1: About Earc Luachra (lizards) the Irish equivalent of tapeworm. How they get in your body and how to get rid of them.

Excerpt 2: Legend about fairy forts; a young woman went too near and got marked for life.

Excerpt 3: Legend and…

TK000280 - SR00029-01 About the differences between boring mass and interesting mass It all depends on the priest who is saying it.mp3
Excerpt 1:About the differences between boring mass and interesting mass. It all depends on the priest who is saying it. Excerpt 2: About the teaching of religion at school.Excerpt 3: About what happens when you die.Excerpt 4: About Heaven and…
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